Friday, June 27, 2014

Is it really 2 weeks since I posted?

I've been  too long getting to posting on this blog again  - life sort of blew up round me and I have been running really hard just to stand still - apologies for the absence.

It isn't going to get much better for the next month either.  I am committed to something that will take me away from my desk for the next two weeks - then, hopefully, a moment to snatch a  breath, turn round, plan a course, pack - and head out to Fireguard where I'm teaching Writing Romance at Writers' Holiday  again.

I can't wait for that - a chance to meet up with dear friends,  talk about writing,  drink a little wine - maybe even find sometime to stare at the sea if  the sun  shines and  I get a chance to sit on the balcony to my room - every other time I've been to Fishguard it has been February so  I've usually had to stare at the sea from inside my room.  This time will be the first time I've been there in the summer.  I shall miss being at Caerleon but I'm looking forward to being part of the new Fishguard Writers' Holiday.

I've been working on plans for more courses - so hopefully they will be coming up soon and I'm hoping to get my web site updated to include the information. So if you're interested in writing romantic fiction, look out for those.  (You can find the preliminary information here)

I was tagged in a post  on Facebook  to tell readers about my WIP (work in  progress|) - answering that was rather tricky as the book is currently with my editor and I don't yet know what she thinks of it. But in case you haven't seen that Facebook post  - here are my answers:

Anne McAllister has tagged me to share five things about my Work In Progress . . .but . . .
 She tagged me ten days ago when I was waiting to know if the WIP was actually in P – ie progress – because it had left my desk and headed for my editor’s. However, I still don’t have a verdict on this story – so * don’t know if it’s in progress, progressed or not going anywhere at all – so I’m not sure if I tell you anything that it might change . . .
 But, as things stand:
 1. The heroine is Alyse, the hero Dario – I hope! Alyse is named for a long ago friend of my mother’s.
 2. They meet at a charity ball in London when in fact each of them is looking for the other, though they don’t know it.
 3. The phrase that sums up my hero is ‘I don’t do family’

I’m going to complete the 5 things by giving two other things about the book I’m planning out because that’s the one in my mind:
 4. The book is a sort of a follow on from the current ‘A Question of Honor’ so that there is a chance to catch up on the lives of the hero and heroine of that story – and one other character.

 5. As a result, this book has to be set 10 years after the ending of the first book because one character in particular has to change a heck of a lot from the way he was before. Well, the truth is that a LOT has changed since then!

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