Thursday, September 03, 2009

Day Brighteners

It's wet - no - change that - it's WET!

We are having huge thunderstorms and violent downpours - no Indian summer here!
I spent yesterday with my computer switched off more than I had it on. Thunder. Lightning. Savage rain.

The cats came in soaked through and with muddy paws leaving prints everywhere . (My apologies to the latest RNA New Writers' Scheme submission I'm reading - there are Flora pawprints all over one page!) I went to bed to the sound of rain lashing againt the windows, woke up in the night to hear it doubled in strength - and now this morning it's even heavier!

And I'm supposed to be writing about hot, sunny Greece

But this morning's quick internet survey brought me news that brightened the grey and miserable morning and made me smile -

Over on eHarlequin, the Presents EXTRA edition of Kept For Her Baby (which isn't out in the shops until October) is riding high on their Top Ten Bestsellers List both in print format and ebook. In fact it's at #1 on the ebooks listing already!

I haven't actually seen this book on the bookshop shelves here in the UK yet but the Babe Magnet and I are at the Calderdale Libraries Writers' Roadshow in Todmorden on Saturday so I hope to spot some available then.

And then on the new edition of the 12 Point Guide to Writing Romance is at #2 on the list of bestselling books on writing romance . (Actually #1 is 'Emmanuel's Book II - The Choice For Love - which isn't exactly a writing how to book!)

So that's cheered me and made me mind a bit less about the rain. Though I just wish the nice news would do something to help protect me from the downpour as I venture out into it for my morning walk! And I want to send a very special Thank You to everyone who has bought a copy of either of these books to give them these great ratings so early in their publication history. You have really made my day.

PS Lovely though the rating on is - don't forget that the USA edition of the 12 Point Guide should really only cost you $19.99. So just to remind you - if you print out the following details and take them to your local Borders, B&N etc you should get it for that price -


Author: Kate Walker
ISBN: 978-1842851319
Price : $19.99

Studymates Publishing
Chicago Distribution Center
11030 S. Langley Ave.
Chicago, IL 60628
Phone: 773-702-7000
Fax 773-702-721212

Right, I'm off out into the rain - I may need to start thinking about getting enough wood to build an ark!

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