Saturday, August 04, 2007

Great Big Blog Party #46 and #49 winners

So here are another couple of winners to announce

Firstly, Phillipa Ashley's prize - here's what Phillipa told me in her email:

It was difficult to choose from all the very romantic replies, but I settled on.:

diane said...
My hero is my fiance. We will be getting married end of next May. A romantic meal is always appealing and simply divine with the right ingredient. In other words, my fiance.

Could you please ask her whether she wants Decent Exposure or Wish You Were Here? There will be a slight delay with WYWH which isn't out until start of September.
Thanks again for letting me take part. It was great fun and although I didn't expect many replies, (being 'unknown' ), I was surprised and thrilled by the response.

And another winner - this time for Jenny Haddon - Sophie Weston's prize is:


So Diane and KimW please email me with your postal address details and I'll get your prizes sorted out.

Thank you to everyone who made Phillipa and Jenny(Sophie) so welcome

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