Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Great Big Blog Party 20 - Winner

Yvonne Lindsay has been drawing names out of a hat for her winner She's come up with three because her first winner had already won a prize recently - and now I'm happy because . . . well here's what Yvonne says -
My book prize winner is Nancy.
Ooh, just noticed that Nancy has recently won a prize. I’d still like to nominate her for a book prize but I did an extra two draws and guess what, Kate Walker and India came up So, that’s you, India and Nancy. How’s that?
That's fine by me Yvonne - I really really want to read Rosellini's Revenge Affair - so I'm thrilled to have my name picked. It's my party and I'll grab a prize if I can!
Nancy and India - Congratulations and I've already sent your addresses to Yvonne.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Thanks so much Yvonne, you made my day and I can't wait to read it!


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