Sunday, November 05, 2006

Maps and Counters and Ambitions

As I'm sure you've noticed, I have a clustrmap and a Neocounter on this blog. I love to see where my visitors - and so, I'm assuming, my readers, come from. One of the great things about being a romance writer with Harlequin Mills & Boon is the way that books by their authors - mine included - reach out across the world to readers just about everywhere. You only have to look at my Neocounter to see that - or take a look at the covers of the books that arrived yesterday from Russia (left ) and Germany (right)

Both of these are translations of The Antonakos Marriage - the Russian one is almost exactly the same as the UK and USA ones (see sidebar) but they have doctored it slightly so thatSkye has brighter red hair.

So the worldwide popularity of romances is obvious. And I love seeing where my readers live in the same way as I love hearing from them. I'm fascinated by the way that the list of countries grows - and the red dots appear on the map - with every day that passes.

A few weeks ago, I watched the Neo counter total of coutries move from 30+ to 40 - and more - so now I have this ambition to reach 50 different countries before the end of the year. 50 countries in the year that I reached my 50th title seemed like a good target to me! Yesterday I added a new country and the counter went from 47 to 48. That country was Venezuela - and my visitor was Julia. I know because she wrote to me. Julia has been on my Newsletter list for a while but this was the first time she visited my blog.

So welcome Julia! And thank you for taking my total number of countries one stage closer to that total of 50

And now I'm looking for two more visitors from countries that have never been recorded on the counter before and will take me from 48 to 50. I have my fingers crossed that I'll make it.I have the list as it stands now so that i can see where the new visitor comes from if that total changes.

And if you do visit here from somewhere that isn't already recorded on that counter, please let me know.


Anne McAllister said...

Good luck with the 50th country, Kate! I love looking at the maps, too. Don't have a NeoCounter yet. Maybe I'll get one for Christmas!!!

I just got a German edition of one of my American Romances, Quicksilve Season that was first published in 1985. This is the second or third time it's been out in Germany. Amazing, isn't it -- not just the breadth of the market, but the longevity, too.

Kate Walker said...

Since you posted, Anne I've had another new country so I'm getting realy close to that total.

I love my Neo Counter - the map is fun but the counter sets everthing out so clearly and is easy to read. Go one - treat yourself


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