Thursday, October 05, 2006

Fly by post

Done the proofs - check!
Answered some Qs on the Q&A -check !
BM's book launch - about to try and get myself looking respectable for that
Deadline ? - Don't ask!

Blog - well it's a bit of a cheat - but today I'm blogging over on the Pink Heart Society - all about Sheikhs - so perhaps you'd like to join me over there?

And the good news is that Anne McAllister's back. Well, it's not good news for me - or for Sid - because we miss her company - but it's good for her husband, the hounds, and her blog readers because she's back on line.

And for Sid fans there's a very fine picture of the Cat of Superior Breeding

So hopefully that should keep you amused till I get back from the big launch

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