Saturday, September 30, 2006

Another chance to win

Special message to everyone in America reading this blog

Heather and Terescia from We Write Romance have just told me that they are running a special Kate Walker contest and offering my Alcolar Family trilogy as a prize - The Alcolar Family (The Twelve Month Mistress, The Spaniard's Inconvenient Wife and Bound By Blackmail) was such a success in America that the 3 books all sold out on eHarlequin and Amazon and I think this prize is one of the few chances you'll have to get all three books together as a complete set.

Why not check out the contest in the We Write Romance Forums. All you have to do is to post to win.
You have until October 5th to enter. And why not take a look round this great Romance site while you're there and read the articles and reviews.

I'm sorry, but in accordance with WWR's contest rules, you can only enter this contest from USA

And a PS on my Back To School Contest (which you can enter from anywhere in the world) - You certainly can rise to a challenge. We're halfway to another 100 and another prize book on offer. Sid & co are looking very pleased.

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