Friday, April 28, 2006

Pink Heart Pride

More foreign editions in the mail today – the Japanese edition of Bound by Blackmail and the Arab version of The Spaniard’s Inconvenient Wife. Both books are not only in a different language but also in a totally different script from the one I’m used to seeing. And that brings home to me once more – with emphasis – just how worldwide the enjoyment of reading romance is.

And that makes me – once again – burn with indignation at the way that so many ill-informed - or totally uniformed – critics - dismiss or put down the readers and writers of romance novels.
So that’s why there is a little pink heart dancing at the top of this post. I’ve joined

The Pink Heart Society
Proud Supporters of Category Romance.

The Pink Heart Society was founded by Irish Romance writer Trish Wylie and it all began with a post on her blog on New Years Day 2006. It is made up of Romance writers and readers who are proud to stand up and say that we write, read and enjoy category romances and are not prepared to put up with the bad press that these books that the great Charlotte Lamb described as ‘these complicated little’ books get so often.

Other Pink Hearters are:
Liz Fielding
Kate Hardy
Ally Blake
Fiona Harper
Nicola Marsh
Natasha Oakley
Michelle Styles

So if you’re interested, why not go over to Trish’s Website and her blog and see what she has to say – and maybe join us.

After all – as the picture below proves – love – and romances - make the world go round.


Liz Fielding said...

But I'm the only one who couldn't make the heart dance, Kate!

Kate Walker said...

Liz - did you just copy the heart - or save it as a jpeg? I saved it and I think that's why it's dancing. I'm proud to have a pink heart on my blog

Hi Blue!! Wild wave back - lovely to see you. Please say Hi to my friends on the WRR. My next Presents book is in the Promotional Presents series - The Married Mistress is out about May 9th or a little earlier. Your lakes trip sounds wonderful - i shall be visiting our UK Lake District in July


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